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Book to read before visiting visiting Lisbon
travel book about Lisbon

Lisbon is a city of light! The book starts with a brief explanation about the origin of this particular luminosity, which seduces and enchants both visitors and locals, and it continues by exploring the city’s colour palette.

Each colour is an opportunity to reveal a bit of history: from the Tagus River’s blue, to the trams’ yellow, passing by the polychrome of tiles or the black and white in traditional stone pavements.

This is recommended reading if you are visiting Lisbon, so that you don’t miss any tone in this “colour feast”.

If you have already visited, this book is a souvenir or maybe an invitation to come back next spring, when the jacarandas in bloom paint the town purple.

Bilingual Edition

80 pages printed in colour

© 2016 by Cristina Machado and Carlota Flieg. All rights reserved.
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